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What is the meaning of Nishkama Karma, as explained by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavath Geetha?

True Nishkama Karma

Questioner: How does nishkama karma (action performed without any expectation for its fruits-rewards) bind karma

Nishkama Karma

Dadashri: When a person does nishkama karma with the belief of ‘I am *Chandubhai’, there is binding of karma. Doing such karma makes the worldly life run smoothly. Actually true nishkama karma can not be done without first knowing ‘Who am I’. How can nishkama karma be done as long as there is a presence of anger, pride, deceit and greed?                  

One believes he is doing nishkama karma when the doer is some one else. Whatever activity he does, is all discharge. To believe ‘I am doing nishkama karma’ is itself bondage. As long as there is a doer of nishkama karma, there is bondage.

What is the definition of nishkama karma? You have your own income, you receive income from your farm and plus some from the printing press you have started. Now you estimate an income of twenty to twenty five thousand a year from all this but when you get an income of five thousand, you will feel as if you made a loss of twenty thousand. What if you had no expectations to begin with? Nishkama karma means to do everything without expecting anything in return. Lord Krishna has given people a very wonderful thing but it is not possible for anyone to attain this, is it? Humans do not have such a capability. It is very difficult to understand nishkama karma precisely. That is why Lord Krishna had said there might be just one person or so who would understand the subtlest meaning of the Gita.

Reference: Dadavani Magazine May 2010 (Page #5 Column-2 Para #2)

Nishkam karma

Questioner: How does nishkam karma bind karma?

Dadashri: When a person does nishkam karma with the belief of ‘I am *Chandubhai,’ he binds karma without a doubt. By doing nishkam karma, the worldly life (sansar) will run smoothly. In truth, without first ascertaining, ‘Who am I?’, nishkam karma is not possible. How can nishkam karma be done as long as there is the presence of anger, pride, deceit and greed?

One believes he is doing nishkam karma when the doer is someone else. Whatever activity he does, is all discharge. To believe ‘I am doing nishkam karma’ is itself bondage. As long as there is a doer of nishkam karma, there is bondage.

Lord Krishna showed people a different way by to attain worldly happiness! What is considered nishkam karma? You have your own income. You receive income from your land and some from the printing press you have started. In twelve months you receive an average of 20-25 thousand from your assets. But if you base your expectation on this amount, and you make five thousand, you feel the loss of 20 thousand. And what if you had not made any expectations at all? Nishkam karma means to do everything without expecting anything in return.

Lord Krishna has given people a very wonderful thing, but is it possible for anyone to achieve this? People are not capable of this. It is very difficult to understand nishkam karma precisely.

That is why Lord Krishna said, that there might be just one or two persons who would understand the subtlest meaning of the Gita.

Questioner: If we do something without any intent of expectation (nishkam bhaav), then we will not bind any karma, will we?

Dadashri: Do it with nishkam bhaav (the intent of nishkam). However, as long as you have the belief of, ‘I am *Chandubhai,’ and you do nishkam karma, then you will bind merit karma (punya). No matter what, the binding of karma will occur. If you become the ‘doer’ then the bondage of karma is inevitable.

Questioner: How can one become nishkaami (doing without expectation)?

Dadashri: Do your work without thinking about the results. Continue working without worrying, whether or not your boss will reprimand you or get upset with you. If you decide to take an exam, then do it without worrying or thinking about whether you will pass or not.

They have not understood a single word of what Lord Krishna was saying to them and they go around accusing Him of indulgence in worldly pleasures. Heavens! Who do you think was indulging in pleasures? Was it Krishna or is it you? Krishna was Vasudev, from human He became God!

*Chandubhai =  Whenever Dadashri uses the name 'Chandubhai' or the name of the person Dadashri is addressing, the reader should insert his or her name for exact understanding. 

Reference: Book Name: Aptvani 04 (Page#311 last para to Page#313 - Para 3)

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