Questioner: So why is there such a great emphasis on protecting life forms from fear?
Dadashri: Many who understand non-violence have placed great emphasis on protecting life forms from fear. Protecting life forms from fear is the main thing. What is protecting life forms from fear? An example of this would be to take care not to disturb any birds if they were sitting here, by walking very quietly. Another example would be to remove your shoes and tiptoe past a sleeping dog. How can one be considered human if he instills fear in others? One should not even startle stray dogs. Understand that you have failed to give this protection from fear if a dog is stirred from his sleep as you are walking by. Protecting living things from fear means that no living entity fears your presence. Have you ever seen anyone with such a quality? Protecting life from fear is the highest of all charity.
When I was twenty-two years old, I used to be very cautious so as not to startle any sleeping dogs. I am constantly protecting all life from fear and if a person learns to do the same, he would attain liberation. Generally people are inclined to instill fear in others and threaten them. Everybody has learnt how to donate fear. No one has learnt how to donate protection from fear.
Questioner: Is it not considered protecting life from fear to make efforts to save these life forms?
Dadashri: There is a tremendous liability for anyone that does this, because to do this is nothing but egoism. The Lord has only said that one should practice kindness towards one's own Self. The scriptures mention just this much and no other form of kindness. And if you take on the task of practicing any other forms of kindness unnecessarily, you will incur a liability.
Book Name: Non-Violence (Page #60 - Entire Page)
Q. What should you do to overcome the fear of police and fear of court?
A. Generally, everyone has fear of police and court. When police knock our door, we get a strange... Read More
Q. What are the causes of Fear?
A. If we understand the causes of fear, we automatically get the solutions then, to get out of the... Read More
Q. How to Overcome Fear of Humiliation?
A. In previous questions, we learnt regarding the fear of external objects and situations. However,... Read More
Q. How to overcome fear of failure?
A. In every phase of life, the fear of failure harasses us. When in school or college, we experience... Read More
Q. Are Ghosts Real: Overcoming Fear of Ghosts and Ghostly Possession
A. Overcoming Fear of Ghosts We have watched a horror movie at night or have heard a ghost story... Read More
Q. Are There Good Fears That Are Beneficial?
A. There is nothing to be afraid of in this life. Yet, there are some matters where maintaining fear... Read More
Q. Do you have a fear of loss in your business?
A. Within you lies infinite strength. The one with infinite strength will ask you, 'So Chandubhai*,... Read More
Q. Do children improve through fear or love?
A. Questioner : Children here are very argumentative and when we talk to them, they tell us, 'Why are... Read More
Q. Should parents exercise the fear of power over their children?
A. Questioner : Your words have such a strong impact on our lives. That which could not be solved by... Read More
Q. Does the world improve through fear or love?
A. Speak in such a manner that the other person's ego does not arise. Whenever you say anything to... Read More
A. The gluttonous intense greed (lalacha) will disappear once he makes a resolution, 'I do not want... Read More
Q. How does excessive intellect give rise to suspicion?
A. Questioner: Why does a man with lot of buddhi (intellect) have more suspicion? Dadashri: He can... Read More
Q. What is the connection between fear and suspicion?
A. Questioner: Is there a connection between fear and suspicion? Dadashri: Suspicion gives rise to... Read More
Q. How does a strong mind help to keep fear and suspicion away?
A. Do not initiate any task that invites suspicion. Wherever suspicion occurs, do not proceed with... Read More
Q. Is fearlessness (nirbhayata) a result of being completely suspicionless (nihshankta)?
A. Wherever there is suspicion, there is misery. And 'I am pure Soul', is the state of... Read More
Q. When will my suspicions leave?
A. Questioner: I am not saying that I have become free from suspicions, but suspicion does not arise... Read More
Q. How can one become free from suspicion?
A. Questioner: I do not want to be suspicious about anyone, but despite this, if it occurs, how can I... Read More
Q. Who has suspicions about the existence of the Soul?
A. Questioner: Shrimad Rajchandraji has written in the Atma siddhi: ‘Atma ni shanka kare Atma potey... Read More
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