Related Questions

What gives rise to Fear?

Questioner: When we read about floods and other catastrophes in the newspapers, it disturbs us. If such news did not affect us at all, would we be considered insensitive?


Dadashri: Not being affected by bad news is called Gnan.

Questioner: And if it affects you, what is that called?

Dadashri: That is called buddhi (intellect). That is what this worldly life is about. The intellect does not help. It only makes you emotional.

During the India-Pakistan war, people became fearful about bombs. Such fears are a result of their intellect. The intellect is the cause of this worldly life. Knowledge (Gnan) will keep you calm and composed even while receiving bad news. You just have to be the 'knower' and the 'seer' of everything that is happening around you.

You must 'know' and you must 'see'. That is all. You should be the 'knower' of all the news details that you read. That is called Gnan. You should be the 'seer' of the news headlines. There is no one at fault in this.

Reference: Book Name: The Fault is of the Sufferer (Page #9 - Paragraphs #5 to #9; Page #10 - Paragraphs #1, #2)

Who is at Fault, the Culprit or the Victim?

Everyday you read about theft and various other crimes in the newspapers, but you should not become alarmed or anxious.Thoughts and worries about whether or not the same will happen to you are negative and these are the mistakes that bind you. Instead, why not just live positively and naturally? You will only be robbed if it is in your karmic account. If it is not in your karma, then no one in this world can touch you, so be fearless. The newspapers will print anything but you should not be afraid of the news. It should not worry you even if thousands of people were being robbed.

No one has any control over you. If you happen to get robbed, all you need to do is ask yourself who is really suffering and then move on.

The world is not meant for suffering, it is meant for enjoying. People receive that which is due to them according to their karmic account. Why are some people happy while others are suffering? It is because they have brought such accounts with them. Many people have written the statement: 'The fault is of the sufferer' in large print, on their walls at home, so that they are reminded of who is at fault whenever they experience any suffering. If a man remembers this sentence throughout his life and applies it to his life’s circumstances with the correct understanding, he would not need a guru. These words alone will take him to moksha (final Liberation).

Reference: Book Name: The Fault is of the Sufferer (Page #3 - Last Paragraph; Page #4 - Paragraphs #1 to #5)

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