

To progress in religion or spirituality, purity is necessary in worldly life. But the current era of the time cycle is such that there is no unity of the mind-speech-body. In spite of having the intention of becoming pure, one cannot remain pure.

In Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan’s worldly interactions, the principle of purity had been ingrained such that in religion, in business, in life as a householder, in mattes of money, sexuality and pride, He remained pure and illustrated ideal worldly interactions to the world. Dadashri said, “If one is pure in worldly interactions, where there are not even thoughts related to sexuality and kashay, and only after every kind of beggary has gone can the world be understood as it is.”

When He was young, He received a cautionary hint from His elder brother that, “I have not seen anyone as proud such as you.” Then He examined it from all angles. Upon acquiring the awareness that liberation has been halted due to pride, pride bothered Him, and with immense awakened awareness (jagruti) He also became free from the beggary of pride.

He never accepted even a penny from anyone for His personal use. He used to use His very own money to go for satsang to different villages. Along with this despite being married, He became free from any attachment to His wife, and though a householder, He attained the highest state of Knowledge of the Self with purity.

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