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What is anger? What is annoyance?

Questioner: Dada what is the difference between annoyance and anger?

Dadashri: Anger is associated with ego. When annoyance and ego are combined, they result in anger. When a father gets annoyed with his children, it is not called anger, because it is not associated with the ego. Anger binds paap (bad karma), but the annoyance of a father will bind punyas (positive karma), because he is thinking about the welfare of his children. Anger is accompanied by the ego. When you get annoyed, do you feel bad from within?

There are two kinds of anger, pride, attachment and greed (krodh, maan, maya, lobh).

One kind you can divert - nivarya. If you get angry with someone then from within you divert that anger and calm it down. If one were able to reach this stage, his worldly interactions would become very pleasant.

The other kind of anger is one that cannot be diverted anivarya. One tries very hard to prevent it, but from within the explosion still occurs. Such anger is anivarya. This anger injures the person himself, as well as others.

God has allowed a certain level of anger for the sadhus (sages, monks) so that they may uphold the austerity of their conduct, as long as it does not hurt anyone. 'My anger can hurt only me and not anyone else.' This much anger has been permitted.

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