Spiritual Quotes On fear

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The fear of the past has been released, the future is in the hands of Scientific Circumstantial Evidences (Vyavasthit). Therefore, live in the present.

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For those people whose association is harmful to the Self (kusangi), there is no better respectful fear (taap) than that of satsang (spiritual company).

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Ignorance of the Self (agnanta) is indeed fear.

Why is it that 'we' do not have fear? It is because 'ours' is absolutely correct. Where is the fear for the One who is 'correct'? If there is misappropriation within (to wrongly believe the Self to be 'Chandubhai'), then there would be fear.

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When the fear of insults will no longer be there, no one will insult you. That is indeed the rule. The ‘transactions’ will continue as long as there is fear. When the fear leaves; the ‘transactions’ will end.

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What is the essence of Vitaraag (Enlightened one, who is free from attachment and abhorrence)? It is fearlessness!

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Who has fear? The one who has greed.

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There is no need for fear in this world. Whatever will happen, will happen to pudgal (non-Self complex made up of mind, speech, and body).

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What do you have to be afraid of? You are an absolute supreme Soul! If an absolute supreme Soul becomes frightened, the entire world would become terrified! ‘We’ are beyond the ‘prakruti’ (relative, non-self complex).

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When is one considered to be Vitaraag (free from attachment and abhorrence)? It is when a person has no fear related to things in this world.

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This worldly life should not be feared so much so that the afterlife would get ruined!

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Only egoism holds fear. The ‘Gnani Purush’ (Enlightened one) does not have egoism, and thus has no fear of any kind.

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