
Anger Management: How to Manage Anger

Anger is a weakness but people think of it as a strength. In actuality, the person who does not display anger has more inner strength than the one who displays it. First, the sparks set you on fire and then you burn others. So, that fire not only hurts you, but hurts others as well.

Is there any way how to manage anger? Yes! With these anger management techniques you can become free from the bondage of anger. Do you get angry or it just happens? It just happens. So anger, is in fact, an effect. How can you stop an effect? It is the same as the result of an examination. The result cannot be changed. It is the cause which you need to change. As long as there is a cause, there will be an effect.

Param Pujya Dadashri has revealed various causes of anger, which has helped many people learn about anger management. Once you identify the different causes of anger, you can start to deal with them, even before they result in anger.

Analyse how to manage anger with this new understanding on anger management, and bring an end to all your confusion and frustration.

Do You Often Struggle to Control Your Anger?

We get irritated and frustrated in certain situations because we don’t know how to deal with anger. So, how to resolve anger and manage frustration?


Top Questions & Answers

  1. Q. Is anger a weakness or strength?

    A. Questioner: Would it not be considered cowardly to remain silent when someone insults... Read More

  2. Q. What is Anger ? Why is anger dangerous ?

    A. Anger is like putting a lighted match to one's own home. Anger is setting fire to one's own home,... Read More

  3. Q. Why do people get angry?

    A. A person usually becomes angry when things do not go his way, when he is misunderstood by another... Read More

  4. Q. What is sulking?

    A. When a person sulks in anger, it is really anger itself. For example, if a husband and wife quarrel... Read More

  5. Q. How can we improve our anger issues?

    A. Questioner: When we get angry, we start using abusive language. How can we improve... Read More

  6. Q. I am tired being angry. How to get rid of anger?

    A. Some people ask how they can get rid of their anger. When they tell me that they try to suppress... Read More

  7. Q. How to remove anger from your life ?

    A. There are many people who have some awareness and insight into their anger. They say that they do... Read More

  8. Q. How to manage anger in relationship?

    A. Questioner: We take out our anger on the wife when we cannot get angry with the secretary or the... Read More

  9. Q. How can I control my anger?

    A. Questioner:  I get angry with people that are close to me. The other person may be right according... Read More

  10. Q. Do you want freedom from anger? - Acquire Self Realization!

    A. You are not the one making things happen. It is the kashayas, the weaknesses within you of anger,... Read More

Spiritual Quotes

  1. Anger is like ammunition and wherever there is ammunition, there is an army ready to fight.
  2. It is when people cannot think clearly that they get angry. Would they get angry if they were able to think? How are you rewarded when you get angry? First the sparks set you on fire and then you burn others.
  3. Anger is the worst weakness of all. You should be sympathetic towards the person who becomes angry and understand that he does not have any control in this matter.
  4. It is not just the anger that is expressed outwardly that constitutes anger, but also the smoldering one feels within.
  5. Tolerance is really twice the anger. Tolerance means to suppress continually. One will realize this when the spring of coil suppressed anger rebounds one day.
  6. God said that when one gets angry with one's blood relatives, their minds become estranged. This estranged state will prevail for years or throughout their lives.
  7. When a man becomes emotional, so many living organisms within him are killed. The moment anger arises, millions of lives are destroyed, but even then people maintain that they practice non-violence (ahinsa or ahimsa).
  8. Trying to find a solution to stop the anger is foolishness because anger is a result. It is just like the results of an examination. The result cannot be changed. It is the cause which one needs to change.
  9. Anger can only dissolve if one understands that those who do wrong by him are merely his nimits, (people instrumental in delivering the effects of his past karma) and that what he is experiencing is the result of his karmas from his previous life.
  10. People are more fearful of those who do not get angry as opposed to those who do. Why is that so? It is because one develops inner strength when anger ceases. This is the law of nature.
  11. Now if neither the intent to hurt nor the lingering of annoyance were present in the anger, one would attain liberation.

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